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The Everlasting Gospel Training Seminar (2021)

The Everlasting Gospel Training Seminar

Download Title Page

Download Table of Contents Page

Download Introduction Page

Module 1: Learning the Gospel Message
WATCH and READ Lesson #1 “The Righteousness of God”
WATCH and READ Lesson #2 “The Imputation of Righteousness”
WATCH and READ Lesson #3 “The Centrality of the Cross”
WATCH and READ Lesson #4 “The Sinner's Need”
WATCH and READ Lesson #5 “Come Unto Me”
WATCH and READ Lesson #6 “Conviction”
WATCH and READ Lesson #7 “Repentance”
WATCH and READ Lesson #8 “Baptism”
WATCH and READ Lesson #9 “The Gift of the Holy Spirit”
WATCH and READ Lesson #10 “The Law and the Gospel”
WATCH and READ Lesson #11 “The Sabbath and the Gospel”

Module 2: Christ in His Sanctuary
Download Title Page
Download Table of Contents Page
WATCH and READ Introduction
WATCH and READ Chapter 1 "The Heavenly Sanctuary in Miniature"
WATCH and READ Chapter 2 "The Gospel in Type and Antitype"
WATCH and READ Chapter 3 "The Judgment Message Stirs America"
WATCH and READ Chapter 4 "Daniel 8:14 and Steps in God's Mysterious Leadings"
WATCH and READ Chapter 5 "The End of the 2300 Days"
WATCH and READ Chapter 6 "The Glorious Temple in Heaven"
WATCH and READ Chapter 7 "Our High Priest in the Holy of Holies"
WATCH and READ Chapter 8 "Christ's Closing Ministry in the Heavenly Sanctuary"

Module 3: Door to Door Canvassing
Download Neighborhood Survey
Download Door to Door Canvassing Instructions
WATCH Lesson #1
WATCH Lesson #2

The Everlasting Gospel Bible Study
Download Lesson #1 “The Love of God”
Download Lesson #2 “The Cross of Christ”
Download Lesson #3 “The Righteousness of Christ”
Download Lesson #4 “The Sinner’s Need”
Download Lesson #5 “Come unto Me”
Download Lesson #6 “Repentance”
Download Lesson #7 “Baptism”
Download Lesson #8 “Sanctification”
Download Lesson #9 “The Law and the Gospel”
Download Lesson #10 “Resting in Christ”